Friday 21 December 2012

Day 21 - Door 21

Last day of school before Christmas.  Time to Party!!  I made brownies for the kids to take and share with their friends.  To make them Christmassy (that is a word right?) we smashed up some candy canes and sprinkled them on top.  Apparently they were a hit.  Zia said everyone commented on how delicious they were.  She seemed very proud of them.  Made me feel good. 

Thursday 20 December 2012

Day 20 - Door 20

Well today's post should come as no surprise... you were there!!  

Now with this link though you can share what you saw with anyone you want

Kelly was so excited we were there.  I am still laughing about his abrupt "See you tomorrow, bye Mom."  when he left to go for lunch after the concert.

He is so cute

I love his laugh!
Lunch was yummy, I am still not hungry!
He did so great!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Day 19 - Door 19

6 days!!

Last night was the carol sing at the school.  What a great night.  My voice has not recovered yet.  But we did our best anyway.  We forgot to take the video camera but Sean snapped a few pictures for you!

The Choir

Jadzia being a microphone stand for Uncle Jim while he and Kyle played 

Kiernan - the Audience

Singing Carols

The Choir performs on last time to end the night.

Monday 17 December 2012

Day 18 - Door 18

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, long day at work and school carol sing tomorrow night. There will not be a lot of time in between.   I already got a day behind once this week and it is only Monday.  So I am posting this one a day ahead. :)

Since Christmas is a about Love and sharing and our whole family we asked Meagan and Alan to participate as well.  They gave us photos of the animals in their Christmas gear to share before.  Since you haven't been able to go see the new house in person we asked Meagan and Alan to share some video of their home/renovations with us.

Day 17 - Door 17

Almost every day now Jadzia reminds me how many days are left until Christmas.  The excitement is making the kids goofy.  On Saturday Kiernan went to a birthday party, he came home with a fun goody bag.  This silly toy was in it.  It helped contribute to the silliness.  The video camera is great for sharing silliness!

Day 16 - Door 16

Kiernan is polishing his light saber skills in preparation for Christmas family visitors!

The kids were excited to open their envelope today, they were wondering what color the beads would be.  After they finished adding their beads they hung them back on the tree.

After we read the story we took a picture of our pointsettia

Saturday 15 December 2012

Day 15 - Door 15

Can't believe how close we are getting... 10 days.. really?

Gotta get some prep work done!

Zia and I made cookies last night, we made a batch a couple nights ago.  We are trying to make some every other day or so, this way we have lots.  I want to have enough I can share some with our neighbours.

Jadzia enjoyed using her cookbook that Gram gave her last year.  I think we are going to make strawberries tomorrow... how I am gonna do that without eating them I have no idea!

Kiernan's friends Austin came over for a sleepover, Austin's Dad is working a night shift and Mom is on days tomorrow.  The boys have hockey so I volunteered to have him over.  They decided they were LEGO designers.  They sat at the table with paper and crayons and "drew" LEGO building plans.

Friday 14 December 2012

Day 14 - Door 14

Only 11 days to go!

Today we are visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past...

Remember when?

Christmas Morning 1978 Emma St Apt.  This was the infamous year of the rubberduckie

The back of this one say 82, I think this picture was taken around the same time as the two below.

Kelly at the Daycare in Kitchener

I think Zia is 2 in this one
This one I took just this morning in my bathroom

Thursday 13 December 2012

Day 13 - Door 13

Lucky 13!

Last night was the last pre-Christmas/New Year day for Kids Club.  The kids have really enjoyed going.  It is just another example of how things happen at the right time.  For years I have tried to convince Jadzia to go to kids club.  The Baptist Church does such fun activities for the kids and it is right after school on Wednesdays so they can simply walk there.  She wasn't interested.  Then Kiernan decided to give it a try when his friend Colby invited him.  Well if Kiernan was going to go, Jadzia didn't want to be left out.  Now they both enjoy going.

Here are the Christmas Tree ornaments the kids made this week.


They both did a nice job putting them together.  

We were talking about Kiernan's excitement about his Lego Advent Calendar.  Here is a peek at some more of the items he has built with the pieces he gets every day.  (inlcuding the black R2 that got him out of bed so early this morning)

From L-R R2, and X-Wing, a pilot, a battle droid, Chewbacca, a probe and a AT-ST Walker.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Day 12 - Door 12

Whoot!! Got today's video to upload in less than 24 hours!!!

Here is the final Chapter... the conclusion!!  I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day 11 - Door 11

Fourteen Days Until Christmas!!!!

Wow hard to believe it is two weeks until Christmas!  The kids are excited, I am starting to panic!

As promised here is part 2 :)  Part 3 tomorrow.

Monday 10 December 2012

Day 10 Door 10

Wow, so today's post has been a challenge, it has taken me more than 24 hours to get this first part to upload.  So I am going to say you will have to wait until tomorrow to see part 2!

To be continued...

Sunday 9 December 2012

Day 9 - Door 9

There always seems to be something going on here.  Even on the quiet days we're always doing something.
Yesterday was the Kids Christmas sale.  For the first time the kids have their gifts bought wrapped and under the tree before anybody else!

I haven't even started wrapping.. done a lot of shopping though!

Kiernan loves this tree I bought to put the Star Trek ships on.  If i find the village pieces and the church that I normally put in this window then I will be moving this tree to the front room window.

Speaking of the front window... the kids haven't quite finished it yet, but they are having fun working on their window drawings.

This was very late getting posted this morning.  Sean and I didn't get home until almost 2.  But boy did we laugh!!!  Sean says he has never laughed so hard in his life.  We had dinner at a gourmet burger place called the works... WOW we couldn't finish our food they served it in baking pans!!  But it was fantastic!

Saturday 8 December 2012

Day 8 - Door 8

Last night was the Chesley Santa Claus Parade and the Chesley Baptist Church invited the kids to participate on their float.  Kiernan was really excited until yesterday.  Then the nerves kicked in.  He wasn't sure he wanted to go any more.  He was scared and not sure.  Jadzia was not sure either but for a different reason.  She has been in the parade for a few years now.  She started wondering what she was missing by watching the parade instead of being in it.  Ultimately they had promised to be on the float so rather than let their friends down off the went.

Unlike his brother and sister, Kelly had no trouble deciding... he was gonna watch.  He wanted to see if the Community Cruiser from Country 93 would be there.  Then he heard that Donna Henry and Bob Bannister were coming with the cruiser.  He was sooo excited!  They are so good to him.  We stopped and talked to when we walked down to the staging area to drop of Zia and Kiernan.  Donna Henry sucked up Jackson as well (he came along for the walk)  Then later during the parade when they spotted Kelly in the crowd they waved and called out to him.  He felt so special and happy. 

Friday 7 December 2012

Day 7 - Door 7

December 7th, 2012

Today is HOCKEY Pictures!  
I Love Hockey Pictures!  Especially since we started getting them done as a group.  Rather than getting individuals that just sit in a drawer somewhere.  I like getting the group picture.  We hang it on the wall with the trophies.  Getting them done before Christmas to hang has become one of our traditions.

Thursday 6 December 2012

December 6th

Day 6 - Door 6

Behind today's door is Gram and Poppy's Christmas Tree.  The Early Dismissal Day made it a nice afternoon decorating!  

Tried to post the video but for some reason it wouldn't post so you can click the link to view.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Day 5, Door 5

December 5th, 2012

Today is the "Pet Parade"  We love to include the animals in our festive activities. Jadzia loves to buy presents for all the pets she knows.  Kiernan just enjoys roughhousing with the dogs.  But he thought it was kinda neat when we dressed them up for Halloween.  When we were decorating the tree I found the antlers and we decided to try them out.  Jackson takes some convincing but Sully doesn't seem to mind at all.

The kids also enjoyed seeing these pictures Meagan sent us of her "furry kids"

December 4th - Door 4

It never seems to end around here.  There is always something to do! 

Hockey, Christmas Activities, Curling... so much!

Behind today's door is some of the activities and craft the kids have left around the house as they start to get excited about Christmas!

This photo is of some of the LEGO creations Kiernan has been building from his LEGO Star Wars Countdown Calendar.
Here is one string of the Advent beads, strung and hung on the tree waiting for Sunday!

Sunday 2 December 2012

December 3rd 2012

 Day 3 - Door 3

What a busy day.  It seemed like despite the fact we did not have to go anywhere that we were racing against time all day.  We had a list of things we wanted to do, then another list of things we needed to do before we could do those things.  It became a really long list.

So behind today's door is our Christmas tree.  We took a few videos while we were trimming the tree and put them together here for you to watch.  Kind of like you were here with us.  The kids had fun, unfortunately Kelly only got to help with the lights and garland before his bus came.  He seemed ok with it but the rest of us were disapointed. We changed where we put the tree and we put it on a table this year so it doesn't look quite so dwarfed by our large room.  Everyone seems happy with the result.

Join us!


Saturday 1 December 2012

December 2nd 2012

Day 2

24 days to Christmas

It has been a busy day.  Hockey Game, hockey practice, Christmas Pageant practice and a big surprise!

So today behind door number two we have 2 items...

Kiernan scoring a goal at his morning hockey game today.


after hockey we found out that SANTA was at the Rexall store!